Congratulations New Entry-Level CDL Graduates!
Mr. Shaun Young is a man of many talents! He is a certified mechanic but turned in his wrenches with a desire to hit the open road. As a resident of Mingus, Texas, he will join the WDT Stephenville family. Mr. Young is a hard-working man with a great attitude - always ready to help the next guy or gal. With this willingness to help others succeed, we hope that he will eventually join the ranks of our elite team of Western Dairy Driver Trainers.

Originally from southern California, Mr. Kourtney Baker is just an all-around great guy with an excellent work ethic. He will begin his career with WDT in San Antonio but is contemplating joining Frank's team in Tempe, AZ! Mr. Baker tested and received his CDL on March 11th and no matter where he drives, we are extremely fortunate to have him as an important part of our WDT family.

Mr. Michael Machart passed his CDL test on March 10th with flying colors! He plans to use his earnings as a driver to subsidize his non-profit to save wildlife in his local area. He is a great man with a passion for animals, and we love the story behind his mission and his dedication to furthering the cause.
