Christmas Lunch & Jim Dixon's Retirement Celebration, 12/15

Please join me in congratulating Jim Dixon for forty-five continuous years of service to our company!! Jim has formally announced his planned retirement at the end of this year after a very storied and successful career as our Chief Operating Officer. We have been blessed beyond measure for his steadfast leadership in our company and wish him the very best in his retirement.
Jim, a founding board member of Western Dairy Transport, began his career with Mr. Honeycutt in 1977. After Jim’s family exited their local milk hauling business in the Cabool area, Jim began work in the parts department of one of our former affiliates, Cabool Diesel Service. Rising quickly within the organization, Jim has held numerous responsibilities and leadership roles with us during his lifelong career.
His most recent and highly heralded accomplishments include the design, planning, and construction of our four newest state-of-the-art milk hauling properties in El Paso & Shallowater, TX, Hyrum, UT, and Jerome, ID. These premiere facilities are exemplary of the excellent standard of care and leadership Jim has contributed throughout his amazing tenure with Western Dairy Transport.
Following his official retirement at the end of this year, Jim is looking forward to continuing his work with us on a consulting basis. His focus will be the design, planning, and construction of our future planned leading-edge facilities. He also looks forward to spending more time with his incredible wife, Jeanne, their three children, and six grandchildren.
Please join me in congratulating and saluting one of the finest members of our senior executive leadership team in his retirement. The living leadership legacy of excellence Jim has brought our company will remain throughout the ages. A tribute to celebrate his exemplary career is planned for Thursday, December 15, at our headquarters in Cabool. More information will follow.
David S Shelton
President and Chief Executive Officer
Western Dairy Transport, LLC