July Employee Recognition
The July "Customer Service Award" may be the award most tied to our WDT Mission - to deliver the highest quality service while operating...
Dairy Keeps Elite Athletes Running
Our friend, Brigitte Maione with Gearup Media Group, shared this article and podcast with us, and we loved the stories that Elle Purrier...

June Employee Recognition
You make the world a better place by making yourself a better person, and these employees have been recognized by management for taking...

WDT Transports WWI-era Cannon
We had the honor of transporting a fully operational artillery cannon for our friends at Tarleton State University in Stephenville,...

Atta Boy, Mike Van Zile!
There is a big difference between doing a good thing in public and doing the right thing privately. Yesterday, WDT driver Mike Van Zile...

WDT May Employee Recognition
We agree with Mark Twain, "great people are those who make others feel that they, too, can become great." In May, we are celebrating...

Happy Mother's Day from WDT
Moms are at the very core of our business at Western Dairy Transport. From the farm to our families, we are wishing every mom a dairy...

WDT April Employee Recognition
Way to go WDT GEM's!